The Gujarat state government has introduced the Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat 2024, aimed at providing financial support to female students. This scheme benefits girls studying in government or private schools within the state. Under the Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat 2024, each eligible female student will receive financial assistance of INR 50,000. This scheme is open to female students from classes 9th to 12th in Gujarat. To take advantage of the Namo Lakshmi Yojana, eligible candidates must complete the application process on the official website.
The Objective of Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat
The primary aim of the Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat is to empower female students within the state by alleviating financial barriers to education. This scheme ensures that girls can pursue their studies without monetary concerns. For students in classes 9 and 10, the scheme provides INR 500 per month for 10 months each year, with an additional INR 10,000 awarded upon passing the class 10 board exams. For those in classes 11 and 12, the scheme offers INR 750 per month for 10 months each year, with a further INR 15,000 granted upon successful completion of the class 12 board exams.
Important Dates
- Announcement Date: 2nd February 2024
- Scheme: Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat 2024
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a permanent resident of Gujarat state
- Must be a female student
- Age range: 13 to 18 years
- Must be enrolled in a government or private school in Gujarat state
- Must come from a financially unstable family
Apply Here
Helpful Summary of Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat
- Scheme Name: Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat
- Initiated by: Gujarat State Government
- Purpose: Offer financial assistance
- Target Group: Female students in Gujarat
Financial Benefits Under Namo Lakshmi Yojana
- Financial assistance of INR 50,000
- Provided to selected female students
- Under the Namo Lakshmi Yojana Gujarat
Required Documents
- Aadhaar Card
- Birth Certificate
- Caste Certificate
- Income Proof
- Previous Year Marksheet
- Domicile Certificate