Under the “Prasuti Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024,” launched by the Gujarat government through the Gujarat Housing and Construction Board and the Labour and Employment Board, pregnant women will receive financial assistance of Rs 37,500 during childbirth. This scheme aims to ensure adequate nutrition for pregnant women and support comprehensive development for infants born under these conditions. For those interested in availing benefits under this scheme in Gujarat, the application process can be completed online.
Maternity Support Scheme Gujarat | Prasuti Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024
- Scheme Name: Prasuti Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024
- Beneficiaries: Wives of laborers or male laborers themselves
- Department: Labour, Skill Development, and Employment Department (Gujarat Labour Welfare Board)
- Assistance Amount: Rs 37,500
Apply Here
Pre-delivery Assistance
- 2500 + 10,000 + 5000 = 17,500 rupees.
- Application can be made within 06 (six) months.
- Possible from date 06 months
Post-delivery Assistance
- 5000 + 10,000 + 5000 = 20,000 rupees.
- Application should be submitted within 12 (twelve) months.
- Delivery after 12 months
Assistance Available in Case of Miscarriage
The Prasuti Sahay Yojana Gujarat, administered by the Gujarat Housing and Construction Workers Welfare Board, extends benefits even in cases of miscarriage. In such unfortunate circumstances, eligibility for assistance requires a certificate from a registered PHC doctor confirming the birth or miscarriage of the child. If a child is stillborn or if there is a miscarriage, assistance can be claimed after obtaining the doctor’s certificate within 26 weeks before or after the pregnancy period, applicable to the female applicant or the wife of a construction worker.
Prasuti Sahai Yojana Gujarat Necessary Documents
- Copy of Mamata Card
- Certificate from a recognized PHC doctor for miscarriage
- Copy of Ration Card
- Copy of Bank Passbook
- Aadhaar Card of the beneficiary
- Affidavit
- Application Form
- Copy of Birth Certificate of the child
- Identification card issued by the board
- 2 photographs of the applicant
Scheme Rules for Working Women
- The Gujarat Labour Welfare Board administers the “Prasuti Sahay Yojana” to provide financial assistance to women registered with the board or their families during childbirth.
- Eligible women must renew their registration every three years from the date of enrollment to continue receiving benefits under this scheme.
- Beneficiaries must possess a construction worker identification card issued by the Gujarat Labour Welfare Board.
- Women who are registered with the Gujarat Labour Welfare Board as construction workers are eligible for assistance under the Prasuti Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024 only after registration with the Board.
- Construction workers will be eligible for benefits under this scheme only after registering with the Board
Maternity Support Scheme Gujarat Benefits
- If the wife of a registered construction worker is eligible for Rs. 6,000/- in assistance.
- Additionally, a registered woman worker can avail a total of Rs. 17,500/- for the first two deliveries, including prenatal and postnatal care, and a total of Rs. 20,000/- after delivery under the Prasuti Sahay Yojana scheme.
- Registered women construction workers will receive a total assistance payment of Rs. 37,500/-